• Advertising Insights

    An Ad Delivery Platform is Only as Good as its Reach

    At YANGAROO, not only are we cost-competitive, fast, secure, and efficient, but our extensive reach connects brands to all destinations throughout the United States, Canada, and now countries across the LatAm region including ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, all cable networks, syndication companies, radio stations, and now publishers everywhere.

    Reaching 100% of the markets allows users to rely on one cloud-based platform for all of their ad delivery needs. Along with more than 450 available file formats, our platform intuitively makes sure your content meets file spec requirements for each individual destination.

    The platform seamlessly integrates into existing workflows, automating dozens of manual steps to produce more streamlined processes, eliminating errors, and increasing efficiencies. Each unique brand is provided their own consolidated library making it easy to upload and manage assets. The platform, ideal for short-form and long-form ads, also accommodates last-minute changes, time-sensitive, and complex campaigns.

    Every ad sent using YANGAROO is run through multiple quality control checks and senders are provided a proof of delivery report that content was not only received, but that action was taken on the receiving end.

    So what sets YANGAROO apart from the competition?

    The platform relies on technology to automate the delivery of content, making every send with YANGAROO more cost-effective (generally 40-50% reduction in distribution costs).

    DCR vs. POD
    YANGAROO’s platform provides Proof of Delivery (POD) reports, which assures the sender a receipt by sharing who and what action has been taken on the receiving line (imagine signing for a package actually delivered). Some companies believe a Delivery Confirmation Report (DCR), because of its quick availability, is adequate. But it really doesn’t provide the sender with assurance that their content has been received (imagine throwing something over the fence) as the POD report does.

    Customer Service 24X7
    YANGAROO provides 24X7 customer service and guarantees a response in 15 minutes or less. Our team possesses deep domain and technical expertise and is ready to assist customers with any questions they have. Customer service can often be taken for granted until there is a problem, but why wait until that moment because it could be too late and very costly?

    Our platform relies on patented technology to automate more than a dozen manual tasks saving time and increasing operational efficiency. The platform runs quality control checks ensuring the content is in its correct format per the destination site.

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